Caritas Jersey

Caritas Jersey reaches out to the poor, the marginalised, the weak and the infirm in the community and seeks to be their advocate.

The Foundation awarded Caritas Jersey £40,000 towards the salary of their CEO. This has allowed the CEO to continue with and build on Caritas’ existing projects.

It has also allowed the CEO and his team to work extensively on the 2022 Jersey General Election for the benefit of those most in need in our community.

Caritas was able to build relationships with the new government resulting in a commitment to raise the minimum wage to parity with the Living Wage and for the first time in Jersey, adopted a definition of homelessness that will allow the Island to fully quantify the scale of this ever-increasing problem.

The people that Caritas support have benefited by more firms paying the Living Wage. For those working for businesses that do not yet pay the Living Wage, they have at least benefited from a large rise in the minimum wage at the beginning of November.

Those people that Caritas support who are in Jersey on short work permits have also benefited from the leadership Caritas has provided, being their voice when they have experienced prejudice and difficult working conditions and representing them at various forums.

“2022 was an unprecedented year when the cost-of-living emergency took further hold on the island and Caritas.” says Patrick Lynch, CEO.

“Through the kind funding of Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel Islands, we were able to ensure the needs of so many in poverty were heard, and started to be addressed, by government.” – Patrick Lynch, CEO

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